Does your child want to continue their education, attend summer camp, or do they have a sibling attending college? Ask how
we can help.
The Special Needs Trust provides scholarships for individuals with special needs as well as siblings of those with a disability. As these funds are received by our organization, they flow directly to those in need. We work to level the playing field; bridging the gap of disparity between the typical family and the special needs family.
Tell us about your specific need(s).
The Special Needs Trust will evaluate the need against scholarship funding, and let you know what your student qualifies for.
If you want to learn more, or to apply,
contact us today.
We offer different types of scholarships at Special Needs Trust.
If your child desires to continue their education, or receive supplemental training to prepare for a career, or wants to attend summer camp or join a dance club, we are here to help.
Provide for the next family in need.
A special needs trust is a vital part of estate planning for special needs parents. We have a network of attorneys who specialize in this service, and we provide them at no cost to the parent.
Every parent'd journey is different, as is the uniqueness of their child’s needs. The Special Needs Trust is here to meet each unique need by providing the tool, equipment, or device to accommodate each family at the point of their need.
We recognize that having a child with special needs places a financial burden on the family. We don’t want that burden to prevent a child with special needs or their sibling from being able to freely pursue their continued education. We don’t want your kids to miss out on opportunities to grow and thrive, so whether college, camp(s), or community events, we want to help make your dreams for your family come true.
Many children with special needs are prone to have issues with dental and orthodontia. We want to ensure we keep the smile on the face of our kids, and in turn, their parents.
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